Vic Browder

Vic Browder

Las Vegas, NV born and raised, Vic had quite a crazy unsettled childhood. Poor and sometimes homeless, his mother Nancy struggled to keep her 6 children safe and healthy. Vic was the only one of his siblings to escape the dark rabbit hole that is the underbelly of Sin City. The theatre, gave Vic a place to escape the drugs, crime and poverty that surrounded him on a daily basis and a place to express himself with support. Eventually giving Vic reason and purpose to stay in school and go to college. Southern Utah University and the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar city Utah was a comfortable fit after high school. Vic solidified for himself that this was the right path and would always be in the performing arts not only for personal reasons, but also for the "Gift of Story" which can be a powerful tool to those that need to hear it. Vic fell in love with all aspects of the theatre. Directing came very easy and scenic design and construction allowed Vic to see the craft from all aspects. After a successful undergraduate career and several summers performing with Utah Shakespeare Festival, Vic headed to the MFA program at FSU Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training to sharpen his skill with some of the best acting teachers in the country. Being the desert rat that he is, after graduating with his Masters degree Vic headed back to the Southwest and eventually landed in Albuquerque. Being a little disheartened at first with the lack of work for actors at the time, Vic started making plans to move to Chicago because of the flourishing theatre community in the Windy City .Then he met a few folks that talked him into staying for the film opportunities that were about to explode. After 3 years of establishing himself as a respected and sought after talent in the small black box venues around town (which can be great training for film by the way) Vic finally did his first acting for a screenplay. Before the 48 Hour Film Festival, the Duke City Shootout was a great way for emerging filmmakers to produce shoot and show short films. Vic had the honor and pleasure to do a short film called The Family Sausage in 2003. Vic has been apart of dozens of short films helping young filmmakers tell their story. Since 2004 Vic has been in over 30 feature films and 25 TV shows. In 2007 Vic fulfilled a life long dream and became a founding member of the professional Mother Road Theatre Company where he acts, directs, designs, builds and produces some of the best theatre in the Southwest. Along with the passion for story, Vic also enjoys helping others heal themselves and so he went back to school in 2006 to become a massage therapist, which lead him on a spiritual journey that continues today. Vic prides himself on being an accomplished acting teacher and director. When an award winning casting director asks, "Why aren't you teaching actors?" You pay attention. And that's what Vic did. When not in production for Mother Road Theatre Company or on a film set, Vic does private coaching and has several classes through Sol Acting Academy. Vic is in the process of writing several screenplays and a new theatre piece that will see the production table in the next year along with the release of three feature films and a couple of TV shows. Hard as it may be for Vic to ask for help or lean on anyone, he is finally coming to the conclusion that any great person has a great support group. And they are his wife Julia, his agent Carissa Mitchell, and the awesome cast of characters of the Mother Road Theatre Company and a large handful of close friends.
Episode 3

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