Guy Mayfield

Guy Mayfield

Born and raised in Derby, England. His father, a former mental health worker and later chef and his mother, retired nurse practitioner. He also has a younger sibling, a sister of who is former solider in the British Army and now a police officer and of whom is married to an active soldier in the British Army. At eighteen years old, Guy had a very bright and promising future as a 100 meter sprinter. Having just qualified for a call up to join the British Athletics team at the commonwealth games, life took a turn for the worse for this faster than light young man, when fate had other plans for him and he was permanently injured, forcing him to retire from an aspiring career in athletics. Spending the summer deciding his future, Guy applied to be a fighter pilot with the Royal British Air Force but at the last minute, he also filed an application to study at the University of Portsmouth, one week before the first semester started (just as a backup option), he was accepted and decided he would leave military training before it could even begin. He then spent the next several years, studying a degree in BA (Hons) Film Theoretics. Arts and languages, along with sport, had always been strongest in his skill set at school and being an avid filmmaker and connoisseur from such a young age, it made even more sense to him to pursue and develop his thirsting knowledge in understanding film more. It was during his time at university, Guy would come to learn the filmmaking craft and in several highly awarded university films, he also took acting roles within them, a talent he would later discover was in fact his strongest all along. After graduating in 2007, he then spent the next several years, paying off student loans like any other former student and traveling the world in yearn of expanded knowledge and open mindedness. It was only after a trip to Los Angeles in 2008, he would then commit his focus to film, working behind the camera and learning hands on experience with small projects in the United Kingdom with Channel 4, the BBC and independent projects in the United States of America. However, it wouldn't be until 2012, that would lead him to do some research for a project on the processes actors go through, that he himself would have to take the plunge into acting to learn them, by taking an extra role in Ron Howard's RUSH (2012). He was soon recognized by the casting department as having a unique look and was immediately given lines to the role. Although they were later cut, leaving only non dialogue scenes, it was with kind and supportive passing comment from both Chris Hemsworth and Olivia Wilde, in which they told him to pursue acting as his career, for his artistic talents and presence dominated those around him, words he took to close heart and did just that. Slowly but surely, Guy carefully sought out roles that would help him build, diversify and expand his artistic consciousness, that and help support his ability to show depth and range of character performance. This however remained more of a fun hobby and creative outlet as he would struggle to fight his way into the industry. Later that year, Guy moved and whilst the struggle to find work as an actor continued, he did find some success in photography and working as a personal assistant, as well as varying crew roles on commercials and short films. Over the next decade, despite a lot of criticism and envy from others trying to knock his constitution and aspirations to become a successful and working actor, Guy went hell for leather to prove naysayers wrong and firmly place himself as one of the industries foremost and emerging talents. With a lot of sweat and rejection, he didn't give up , he simply refused to. In soon enough time, he started being offered opportunities and he worked to prove himself, providing what would start a highly versatile, intelligently deep thinking portrayal of someone who truly knows and understands their craft. These amalgamated talents would quickly garner him leading roles in often action based performances but by large and part, dramatic and heavily commanding visual roles that would show great depth and alluring mystery to someone who clearly has more than just a quick bag of artistic tricks hidden behind his eyes. His rapidly growing career as an actor, truly isn't his only trick for Guy is also a highly talented and artistic screenwriter. Having won numerous awards to date, he has also been able to lend his talents to some of the projects he was initially hired in as an actor, some of which also saw him offered producer credits for his creative resourcefulness. Not only is Guy known for his artistic endeavors but his sheer dedication and commitment he makes to the projects he becomes involved in, for he is a firm believer that film is art and his love for art is proven in this. Guy is a life long supporter of Derby County F.C and although he doesn't often get to see them play live on account of work, to see them play, you will find him watching on a big screen, screaming with admiration. As he always says, 'I took myself out of Derby but you will never take Derby out of me!" Guy lives with his wife and children, where they commute frequently between the UK and the US. You can catch Guy in the highly anticipated P31 (2022), Black Queen (2022) and Folded In Grey (2022)
Episode 1

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