Cord Newman

Cord Newman

Cord Newman says his proudest achievements are his children who are the brightest and most decent youngsters that any parent would love to have as their own! This heartfelt sentiment is most poignant because reluctantly, he is often away from them traveling for work obligations as he has spent most of his life over the last thirty years owning a number of successful businesses. Back in 1986, while living on a sailboat in St. Thomas, he noticed a lack of ease in the disposal of trash from the other boaters in the Charlotte Amalia Harbor so he designed and engineered a refuse route. With his parents' assistance, he made fliers and took them around to all the live-a-board boats in the harbor. This was the beginning of Cord's first business. Cord's passion and vision for entrepreneurship continued to grow. His desire pushed him to find what is lacking in the world, setting his core purpose to make the world a better place. Before high school graduation he had moved more than thirty times; always being the new kid and many times arriving mid semester where classmates already had their "own" friends, so he constantly struggled to understand how to fit in, as well as learn what makes people feel and react in ways unbecoming of humanity. He was thirteen years old when a black kid reached out to be his friend. Cord's new buddy, was soon after killed, simply because of his friendship with a white boy. It is overwhelming when one's his close friend is shot and killed, being young it is beyond devastating, yet due to this sudden and tragic death, Cord's compassion for others deepened. Poignantly, even after Cord's parents moved to another state and started another new life in a predominately non-integrated school, he experienced much more of the same prejudices as he had in the greater populate urban or Hispanic schools. He discovered that no matter the location, race, or religion, it was usually the fear of "something different" that many times seemed to incite the negative reactions of others. This forced perspective, from often being the minority, was probably Cord's unique genesis of his very empathetic understanding and affinity for different cultures. Life continued to show Cord opportunities to love and learn from all that life had to offer. Leadership skills acquired from organized sports along with terrific parents who provided a formidable upbringing conferred the tools to embark on what God had in store for Cord's life as an adult. Always welcoming a challenge, Cord excelled in football through college then channeled his superior athletic abilities from physical sports on the field into stunts for the movies and television shows. In 1997, as an extra in the film Something About Marry, Cord saw a great opportunity. Within five hours of being on set, Cord was promoted to having speaking lines and his life took another leap of fate, changing him forever. The film bug had bitten Cord where he found a perfect avenue to express his creativity as well as fulfilling his charitable goals. Cord's film and television career, like his life, despite its many twist and turns, seemingly, consistently, pursued an uplifting, as well as enriching trajectory. Constantly challenging himself to climb the wisdom and experience ladder from stunt performer, then to coordinator, leading to his most appealing position, since his inception in the entertainment business, being behind camera. In 2008, he met his future wife while on location, in Thailand. The two fell in love and she followed Cord back to Los Angeles. Once back in Hollywood, Cord went full force into the world of producing and creating connections from his career that had already spanned more than a decade. The next two years he learned the tumultuous world of film finance and forged new skill sets including the flare for successfully bringing people together in profitable projects. After building these relationships and setting up his company (Cord Newman Pictures, CNP), both so his wife could be closer to her family and with a keen eye for the future of film funding, Cord jumped head on into another tremendous opportunity and moved to Dubai, in 2012. Once in Dubai the beautiful city and all the rich culture had his heart. The stars aligned again when Cord met one of the world's wealthiest and most prominent Investment Bankers, Mr. Reza Dari. Cord and Reza found themselves to be kindred spirits in many ways. The most important of their analogous thoughts was a heartfelt desire to ameliorate the world. Born from the creation of the International Film Fund, Cord and Reza initiated over the course of years an assemblage resulting in the best possible picture producing profit platform including extensive stress testing, while continuously making it better and even more advanced. Finally, they had the completed platform of the "IFF" which integrally included Project High Dominion, PHD, and the charity arm of the fund. Equally important with great success is to attain triumph where previously none was found through constantly improving the world the best way they could envision. Nearly five years later, Cord has again gained more valuable knowledge and created a platform to produce film and television. The IFF is now a $200-million-dollar fund that is backed by one of the most successful private investment banks in the world, Global Investment Bank; the president is Reza Dari, Cord's dear friend. Returning to Los Angeles, Cord developed more relationships with key people to best assemble the new "Round Table" of multi-industry experts to ensure the company appropriately succeeds. So, Round Table was born. The team quickly assembled a number of the most brilliant minds in the world with its ultimate quest of saving the universe. Spanning every venture from energy to water; waist to storage - the Round Table team's star is spiraling!
Episode 2

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